


CSR Activities

CSR Activities

“Enhancing human health and safety, and creating a safer world”

We are committed to supporting the health, safety and well-being of all our employees. CCPL also contributes to global safety in our communities with products and solutions that improve the life of common underprivileged people.


School for underprivileged children

India is stream rolling her way into development but illiteracy continues to plague a large section of the people in India. However in the recent times many children have shown the urge to learn, to be educated and to attend schools. But these children are unable to attend schools and afford academic books due to high prices of the books.

This deters students from reading and acquiring adequate knowledge on different subjects. In a bid to provide notebooks and study material free of cost to these underprivileged students, we have set up a school in our premises to provide the basic education to these nearby underprivileged children. This initiative is not just about helping the poor and needy children, but the project aims at educating young India by cultivating reading habits among children and provides access to quality reading materials.


Green Initiatives

Looking for a great way to help out while getting some fresh air and exercise?

We help plant some trees, shrubs, wildflowers and pollinator gardens! More than 5,000 Trees have been planted under the banner of our Green Initiatives. We also promote Rainwater Harvesting and Solar Power to support our mother earth.


In-house Facilities

Always promote our employees health, safety and wellness at workplace.

Help our customers to design safer places to live, work and play

Protect human and labour rights of our employees

We strongly condemn child labour and no child labour is allowed in our premises.


World Wildlife Fund (WWF)

We are a regular and consistent donor of WWF to save our wildlife conservation and endangered species worldwide.